Sunday, November 30, 2008

May 2008 after the first post operative psa

Hi, I am OK. Here’s what that means. My PSA level is 0.175. The “cutoff” is 0.20. My reading is interpreted by my urologist/oncologist as “negligible.” As a result no further treatment is necessary at this time, and I have no restrictions on my activities. Which for me means I can start biking and plan bike trips, and can also plan our summer activities. All this is a wonderful relief. And I thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. The support I have received from you all is very important to me.

Now, a bit more. Actually I am ok “for now.” I have to have another psa taken in 90 days, which is the schedule that was set out before I had surgery. However, since my gleason number (the way they grade the severity of the cancer) became 9 rather than stay at 6, there is a distinct possibility of a recurrence. (They take one reading after the biopsy and a second after the surgery.) If that happens, they most likely would radiate my pelvic area, to, as the urologist said, “mop up.” The urologist also said two interesting things about my gleason number change. 1. For it to go up is relatively rare and 2. Because testing methods are getting more accurate, the urologists are starting to see more higher ratings. The every 90 days regimen goes on for 2 years. If at the end of two years, I am still in this range,
Then I suppose I will be as cured as it is possible to say one is.

So that is it for now. Today, finally, it is clear blue sky and the trees are showing spring green. I will do my best to savor each day and I urge you to do the same. Get done reading this email and go tell someone important to you that you love them. Please be assured that when I say I am not worried, nor afraid, that I mean exactly that.

That’s it. Off to the rest of the day. And on with studying Italian and planning to stand in Siyeh Pass and tell cancer I got this one in. Want to join us up there?



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