Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tiredness, stomach issues and constipation


While describing this discomfort is not fun, it seems an important act to relate what has happened to me in the last 6-8 weeks. Throughout the chemo therapy I had stomach discomfort and constipation issues.  I took various medications including Ondansetron, protonix, Miralax, and senna. None of them helped much. Starting around December 20 the problems got worse. I spent a number of afternoons taking naps in Texas. When we got home on December 31, I went to the hospital for extreme discomfort. I was in the hospital for three days. Then began my experience of ‘ascites management.’ Tired legs. Stated eating much less, lost body mass. Had a paracentesis January 1, January 13, and January 26. Spent January tired and sitting around.  Finally was put on protonix once a day and ondansetron 3 times a day. Then Dr. Saha urged me to begin eating more. I needed about 1800 calories a day and was eating way less than that. I began to do so. My energy picked up quite a bit. I ate ice cream and other high energy foods. I have begun to eat salads in order to get the fiber I need to create stool movements. That has finally happened, though the stools are very small. I have also begun to drink smoothies after our daughte-in-law Shana showed us how to make them. I have tried some of the energy drinks, like Boost, but don’t enjoy the very fake tastes of the chocolate and vanilla.


Menomonie Fan said...

Dan, If you need more fiber, I'd love to make you some Magic Muffins. Alayne Stassen made them for her husband, Fred, when he was having the same problem during his cancer treatments. Let me know if you'd be willing to try them - they're all natural and quite tasty. Fred's doctors at Mayo were impressed with how they worked.

Hugs and love to you and Mary.

Menomonie Fan said...

P.S. Menomonie Fan = Sue Roethke!

Unknown said...

I miss you, Dad