Friday, March 24, 2017

Stamina and loss of body mass

I am now skeletal. I have lost 31 pounds since January 1, 2017. I now weigh 150.  During those three months I have had a lot of constipation issues and appetite issues. The constipation issues cause the appetite issues. During January I lived on apple sauce and rice. Then I started to eat ice cream and went on benefiber, a powder that gives bulk to stools.. Those strategies helped for a while  While this was going on I also started regular parecentesis to relieve the discomfort cued by pressure from ascites on my abdomen. I went from every two weeks to once a week and this week will begin twice a week. The cause for this recent change is that on Sunday after my birthday party on Saturday and at the end of two weeks of family visitors I began to throw up. Sunday it was lunch, Monday and Tuesday it was breakfast. During the week my weight dropped ten pounds to its current level.

During all these events and actually going back into the late fall, about November, I have been losing stamina. I first noticed that I would feel like not going for a walk  and b tired as I started out on the walk. Then as the walk progressed I felt a lot stronger. I went back to working out . I was surprised to feel the tiredness in my legs as I worked on the elliptical machines. Then at Christmas we went to Texas. While there I noticed that I was losing body mass in my arms. The first time was a shock. Now I am used to it.

The stamina issue is also related to the constipation issue. Often either before or after a bowel movement I feel quite weak in the legs and now sometimes arms. I don’t know why but this has gone on for months now.

That is it for now for the physical report. I write this and the last one I wrote to help people who are going through this process and would like some idea of what another person has experienced.



eLenawee Staff said...

This is an incredible work, Dan. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.


Patty Schmidt said...

There are no words, dear classmate. God has the answers and your spirituality will carry you to His arms. You will always be in my heart.....with love, Patty Weber-Schmidt