Friday, July 8, 2016

Side effects appear later not sooner

Yesterday, Tuesday, July 5 I had side effects, day 6 after the chemo session. Stomach hurt, diarrhea, tired.  I finally took immodium and ondansetron and by evening felt much better. Today I feel back to normal. I don’t like those days much but I have to learn to roll with them. After two meals of basically toast and apple sauce, I had a full meal in the evening.  I suspect that what triggered the attack was all the sugar I ingested on July 4 at the neighborhood party—two bottles of soft drink, two pieces of very rich cake. Live and learn.

I have begun acupuncture to control the side effects, stomach and lower gi issues. I was encouraged by the acupuncturist’s professional approach and I felt good after the session. These sessions will go on weekly and we will see how they go. All I have ever heard from people who have done acupuncture is good things.

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